Strong lake zone winds hurt fishers, consumers

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jul 05 2024
An illustration of fishing activities
Photo: File
An illustration of fishing activities

CURRENT weather changes with strong winds in areas surrounding Lake Victoria are driving up retail prices of fish, residents say.

A random survey in municipal markets here showed that fish markets and restaurants have difficulties in trying to stock fish as windy conditions tied with large waves on the lake hamper fishing activities.

Some fishermen opted to halt operations until the winds calm down, impacting already stringent availability of fish in these areas.

Interviewed fisherman at Nyamkazi fish selling point said that prices have risen over the past few days due to shrinking catch, as many fishermen can’t sail with strong winds blowing intermittently.

Fish prices have risen from 3000/- to 10,000/- per unit, thwarting many residents from making the usual purchases for scheduled meals.

Frank Nyanda, a fisherman, said stormy weather compels fishermen to postpone fishing trips on safety hazards, while storms make it more difficult to net fish.

“The wind is still high and we cannot go into the lake as fishing nets effectiveness is limited during this time. Fishing in high winds is a threat to safety so we have to wait,” he said.

Godfrey Rweyemamu, a Kashai resident in the municipality, said that many families have to seek alternatives to meat, whether it is meat or vegetables as fish is costly, as choice fish sells at 10,000/- and a small piece can be sold for 2,000/-, inadequate even for one person’s meal, “so the situation isn’t good.”

Abdul Awadhi, a fish seller, said that they currently get small fish with prices also being high, and a section of traders are holding out on the fish trade until the situation improves.

Prosper Kashasha, the Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) acting regional manager, said that the windy situation is likely to persist through August and much of September.

Lake users including fishers and transporters take precautions when conducting their activities in the lake during this period, he stated.

“This is the cool season which is always accompanied by severe cold and wind. It also causes the fish to drop further into the lake, making fish availability skimpy for fishers and consumers,” he added.