Othman proposes ways to end political woes in Z’bar

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 09:28 AM Jul 19 2024
Zanzibar First Vice President, Othman Masoud Othman
Photo: State House
Zanzibar First Vice President, Othman Masoud Othman

ZANZIBAR First Vice President, Othman Masoud Othman has said that the only permanent solution to political problems in the Isles is to have clean politics and true democracy.

Speaking here on Wednesday when he met with a special delegation of the US House of Representatives, Othman said that these issues depend on the existence of good governance, accountability, and respect for human rights.

He said good political commitment, transparency, and responsibility are the things to consider that can eliminate political problems in the islands.

Othman said that peace is the main door to the economy and Zanzibar, which has a lot of beauty and natural wealth, requires strong leadership with a strong vision to respect the principles of justice, accountability, and the rule of law.

This situation will help the country to develop its economy.

Citing Mauritius as an example, he said it is small geographically, and late to gain independence, but they have been able to strengthen themselves economically, through true democracy and finally become independent.

He said the people's trust, towards the General Election of 2025, can return, if their rights are respected, especially in the current environment where many of them have been denying their rights, even Zanzibari residence cards, as well as participating in voters’ registration, things that everyone is entitled to according to the constitution.

"The belief of many Zanzibaris is to see their right to be registered in the election and given identification cards (IDs) being implemented, believing that the main basis of accountability is starting with free and fair elections,” said Othman.

He also stated that the responsibility of having an independent electoral commission that will respect the decisions of the majority, in building the leadership of the country established by consent and the principles of democracy.

Othman said the commitment of Zanzibar’s government in dealing with the effects of climate change, the rate of population growth, and unemployment, along with strengthening the tourism, gas, and oil sectors, and the blue economy.

He also emphasized the need for cooperation in developing women economically and helping each other to strengthen various sectors including the environment, health, farming, employment development, and fishing, as well as building the capacity of citizens to benefit from marine products.

Katherine Clark, leader of the delegation, and representative from the Democratic Party in the United States House of Representatives expressed her gratitude to meet the Isles’ First VP, calling him as a very serious and professional leader.

“We’ve learned important things, but also reaped a lot of logical things, while emphasizing that the United States will continue the good relations that exist between his country, and Zanzibar, as well as Tanzania in general.

Other members who attended the session from the US were the representative of the Republican Party, David (Dave) Joyce; and the American Ambassador in Tanzania, Michael Battle.