Muslims in Arusha ask for President Samia’s intervention to save mosque

By Marc Nkwame , The Guardian
Published at 08:34 AM Jul 22 2024
President Samia Suluhu Hassan
Photo: State House
President Samia Suluhu Hassan

MEMBERS of the Arusha Muslim Union are requesting the intervention of President Samia Suluhu Hassan, in saving the main Bondeni Friday Mosque from being turned into a bazaar.

 “We have discovered that there are some ongoing developments to erect trading stalls, surrounding the prayer house, contrary to the Islamic faith,” pointed out Sheikh Aziz Bashir on behalf of other Arusha Muslim Union (AMU) members. According to the Union, the Bondeni Friday Mosque, standing on Plot Number 478 mapped within Blocks H’ and I’ in the Area ‘F,’ between Pangani and Bondeni streets, is an important religious property on that National Leaders including Presidents, Ministers and Permanent Secretaries usually worship there.

 “It is therefore against both our faith and the safety of our government leaders to have retail frames surrounding the mosque,” pointed out the AMU elders. They are confident that President Samia will solve the issue.

 At the moment the area has the Friday Mosque and the Bondeni Secondary School on the adjacent wing, while a stretch of land serving as green-belt garden remains vacant to be used for outdoor prayers or religious rallies. The Arusha Muslim Union (AMU) which retains the ownership of the plot through official title deeds, had plans to construct a larger and modern mosque building of international standards, replacing the current prayer house.

 “But we were shocked to discover that some mosque officials have issued out the plots for the construction of small shops around the worship house, contrary to plans,” said the AMU leader, adding that should the situation prevail, they will be forced to take the matter to court.

The Arusha Regional Sheikh Shaaban Bin Jumaa has admitted that there were indeed plans to erect some structures around the Friday Mosque for investments but the project has however stalled for a while pending more consultations.

 “It was all meant to generate more income for the mosque, not otherwise, but we are still discussing the matter through a series of meetings,” he said, adding that at the moment he was in 

Zuberi Ally is one of the residents who attend prayers at the Friday Mosque of Bondeni who says the decision to erect shops around the house of prayers was uncalled for.

“The Bondeni Mosque is the symbol of Arusha, top government leaders, including Heads of State and Ministers use the facility for prayers whenever they are in the city, it is therefore not advisable to build trading stalls around the area, for safety,” said Ally.

 One of Arusha residents, Mama Aisha Jumanne pointed out that a Mosque is a sensitive institution strictly meant for religion and education.

“It is should be a place where there are buildings for prayers and provision of education and not otherwise,” she said, adding that; Muslim elders can still invest but should establish commercial projects elsewhere.

A visit to the Bondeni Mosque area revealed a perimeter corrugated iron sheets fencing indicating some construction work going on. A wooden signboard bearing construction permit Number 163/2023 for the commercial shops project was erected on the plot. 

The Tanzania Muslim Council (BAKWATA) Arusha City Secretary Seif Banka, admitted there were some developments going on at the Friday Mosque but all pending on ongoing discussions.