TASAF to finance university education to poor children

By Francis Kajubi , The Guardian
Published at 06:14 AM Feb 17 2025
TASAF has facilitated hundreds of higher learners
Photo: File
TASAF has facilitated hundreds of higher learners

THE Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) has facilitated hundreds of higher learners from low-income families through its household empowerment programs to cover the costs of pursuing university studies.

In achieving its mission, TASAF has been identifying students with educational potential from beneficiary families and helping them pay 100 percent for university studies through the Higher Education Students' Loans Board (HESLB) for three years now.

Among the students who have benefited from this program is Theresia Noel, a second year student at Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE)

The young lady, a disabled, is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Education specializing in Political Science and Geography.

She was raised by her grandparents since she was six months old due to her mother's abandonment due to the disability she was born with.

"I am grateful to TASAF because it has been the main foundation of my university education. They discovered me through my family which is a beneficiary of monthly grants;

I wish one day to be an inspiration to children and youth born with disabilities to prove that disability is not an obstacle to anyone's success," said Theresia.

She pursued her primary education at the Salvation Army Primary schools which is dedicated for the disabled. She pursued her secondary school education at Jangwani for Ordinary level and A-level studies.

Angelina Joseph (65), Theresia’s grandmother said that this is the third year since her family became a TASAF beneficiary dedicated to uplifting poor households.

She has been receiving monthly grants throughout this period. She has been earning her income through the vegetable business due to the monthly grant she receives.

"I thank God that my granddaughter loves schooling and she has been doing well in her studies as for now she is a university student. She is my future hope. I pray for her to live her dreams," said Angelina.

She pleaded forTASAF to continue to reach more low-income families and enable them to get rid of extreme poverty.

Mercy Hozza, Blind and Disabled Specialist at DUCE said the college implements an inclusive education policy where it serves students with special needs.

Theresia participates in lessons like any other student. She is a lady who works hard in practical training and lectures and is doing well academically.

"My call to society is that there is no reason to hide disabled children inside their houses. These children have the right to study and that is why there are disabled lawyers, university lecturers, parliamentarians and doctors. "I want society to give equal opportunities to disabled children," said Mercy.