Embrace smart agriculture to scale up food security, DC tasks farmers

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 10:03 AM Jul 22 2024

Kilolo District Commissioner Joachim Nyingo hands over a hand planting machine (jab planter) to one of the farmers, this is among 60 machines donated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to help boost food production.
Photo: Guardian Correspondent
Kilolo District Commissioner Joachim Nyingo hands over a hand planting machine (jab planter) to one of the farmers, this is among 60 machines donated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to help boost food production.

FARMERS have been urged to embrace smart and sustainable agriculture which also goes along with applying modern farming tools to improve income and livelihoods.

Kilolo District Commissioner Joachim Nyingo made the call here over the weekend when handing over 60 modern planting tools (jab planters) to various farmers’ groups.

The handover is part of interventions under the European Union (EU) funded Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in African, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries – Phase III (ACP-MEAs 3) project, which is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in six districts across the country.

According to him, despite efforts by the government to transform the agriculture sector and increase productivity, many farmers are still lagging behind in utilizing properly the available land for farming and income generation activities due to various challenges including awareness and capital.

“Considering that we are moving from traditional agriculture to transformed agriculture, these tools are important and will help our farmers use less time and labor in farms, increase production and harvests,” he explained.

Nyingo encouraged farmers who have received the tools to properly utilize them to bring change in their farming but also remember to support others with the tools.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the handover of modern farming tools has come at the right time as the sixth phase of government has invested efforts to transform the agriculture sector by promoting production to heighten food security and change people’s lives.

He commended FAO and EU for the initiative which helps foster sustainable agricultural practices, improve farmers’ livelihoods, and empower communities with skills to enhance environmental conservation.

“We appreciate FAO and EU for their support, this project which has been implemented in various districts in the country for the past three years, has greatly helped transform agricultural practices as well as heightened environmental conservation,” he said.

The DC promised to ensure that the tools are well managed and protected to bring the intended outcomes to the villagers.

Anna Msola, Kilolo District Council Chairperson wanted the beneficiary farmers to take good care of the equipment for them to last long and produce intended outcomes.

“These tools have been purchased at high costs, so go and make sure that you utilize them as advised by experts but also put them in a safe environment,” she added.

Local farmers expressed gratitude for the support they received, acknowledging the impact it will have on their livelihoods.

Joseph Mbwilo, a farmer at Mbigiri village in Lugalo ward thanked FAO for bringing the project to the vulnerable communities who could not afford purchasing the modern farming tools.

“We are really grateful for this, many of us here are low-income earners, and accessing training as well as tools to improve our farm production can be a little bit hard, but with the support from FAO and EU, we are among farmers who own modern tools to heighten production,” Mbwilo explained.

Hongera Kalinga, a farmer from Lukani village in Ng’uruhe ward said the tools and training on modern and sustainable farming will help them transform farmers in the village and increase productivity.

Yosefa Mdemu, another farmer at Lukani village emphasized the importance of sharing the received modern farming skills and tools to empower more farmers in the community.

She said that the donated tools will help women plan their daily activities well and get ample time to rest because they will be spending less time on farms due to the availability of the jab planters.

Through comprehensive training and modern tools, initiatives like the ACP-MEAs 3 project aim to promote environmentally friendly farming practices, benefiting both farmers and the ecosystem.