Betting firm solves water challenges in Siha District

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Aug 23 2024

BetPawa's East Africa Regional Marketing Manager, Borah Ndanyungu (2nd R), cuts the ribbon for the completed water project for the residents of Makiwaru Village in Siha District, Sanya Juu, Kilimanjaro region.
Photo: Guardian Correspondent.
BetPawa's East Africa Regional Marketing Manager, Borah Ndanyungu (2nd R), cuts the ribbon for the completed water project for the residents of Makiwaru Village in Siha District, Sanya Juu, Kilimanjaro region.

THE residents of Makiwaru Village in Siha District, Sanya Juu, Kilimanjaro Region, have reason to smile after getting a clean and safe water well project.

Facilitated by betting firm, BetPawa, the project has been described as a redeemer to hundreds of villagers in the district.

Eric Salema, a farmer and livestock keeper in the village said: “We’re happy to see the project comes to reality as in the past women and girls were trekking long distances to access the precious liquid in the area.”

He lauded the firm for making the project a reality and eliminating water woes in the village, that can make women engage in other economic activities as the key service is in their doors.

"Sometimes our livestock die due to lack of water. If we get water, it will help us grow vegetables and raise livestock without issues," said Salema.

Adela Kimaro also stated that having water in their village relieves them from a long-time problem they have been suffering with.

Borah Ndanyungu, the firm’s East Africa regional marketing manager, said that the idea to drill water in the village came after being requested to establish the project through their programme titled: “Dream Maker”.

According to Ndanyungu, one of the Makiwaru villagers, Salema requested the firm to execute the project through BetPawa's Dream Maker programme, which aims to help people realize their dreams and aspirations that benefit them and the communities around them as part of giving back to society.

“So, we acted upon the request,” Ndanyungu said, praising Salema for recognizing the water shortage problem faced by the residents of Makiwaru Village.

Ndanyungu said that this project was chosen as part of the programme, and the company spent 24.4m/- to complete it.

She mentioned that Makiwaru Village had been facing water shortages that led to the loss of livestock, while women had to travel long distances to access the service, which had been a burden to them.

"We are pleased that he dared to submit his dream and recognized a better social and economic future for his people through sustainable water access. BetPawa is proud to work with Salema to accomplish this project," said Ndanyungu.

She added that the well, which is 90 metres deep, can serve 10,000 residents. The project includes an electric pump that will facilitate the distribution of water to the area's residents.

Ndanyungu said that the Makiwaru project was one of 20 dreams implemented as part of the second season of the project. Dream Maker was launched in 2021 and has so far received over 15,000 applications.