PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has launched the third phase of the Publication on Basic Demographic and Socioeconomic Profile report comprising six analysed, published and disseminated results
The documents launched are the Tanzania Basic Demographic, Socioeconomic Profile, Tanzania Building Census 2022, policy briefs and brochures.
Speaking at the launch in Dar es Salaam at the weekend, the PM said the launch makes a total of 17 reports launched so far.
During the event, the premier issued six directives to ministries, local government authorities and other organisations to use the reports in their development planning.
“Census report is a basic requirement especially in this era where there are a number of emerging development matters aimed at responding to needs,” he said.
He said the analysed, published and disseminated results should be used effectively to solve challenges affecting communities in various areas, calling on civil society organisations to also use the results in their strategic plans.
He called on the academia and researchers in the country to use the results when making publications, adding that the public reports are important for creating awareness to the society.
Citing one of the recorded successes, Majaliwa said there is increase in the number of households using clean cooking energy from 0.9 percent in 2012 to 9.4 percent in 2022 and the drop of number of those using firewood from 68.5 percent in 2012 to 55.5 percent in 2022.
Hemed Suleiman Abdulla, Second Vice President of Zanzibar, said the results will give solutions to several development issues in the country and help reduce the loss of revenues to the government.
Zanzibar Finance and Planning Minister Dr Saada Mkuya assured the public that property tax collected through electricity bill will not be a problem.
“We have improved database of properties across the country to enable the government to collect taxes without disturbance to payers,” she said.
Mark Schreiner, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Representative and UN Resident Coordinator, said the importance of sharing census results with the public is not complete until the data collected is published, disseminated and made available to potential users.
He said that population data and projections are critical in guiding government investment and planning.