Experts impressed by campaign against antimicrobial resistance

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 04:20 AM Jun 22 2024
Shahada Kinyaga, Deputy Chief of Party of USAID’s Breakthrough Action Tanzania, makes a presentation on the ‘Holela-Holela Itakukosti’ (literally, Recklessness Will Cost You) campaign at the 14th Best Practices Forum.
Photo: Guardian Correspondent
Shahada Kinyaga, Deputy Chief of Party of USAID’s Breakthrough Action Tanzania, makes a presentation on the ‘Holela-Holela Itakukosti’ (literally, Recklessness Will Cost You) campaign at the 14th Best Practices Forum.

HEALTH experts have lauded Tanzania’s recently-launched campaign targeting antimicrobial resistance (AMR), saying it can be emulated by other countries.

The campaign dubbed ‘Holela-Holela Itakukosti’ (Recklessness Will Cost You) which was launched at the end of May focuses on combating AMR and priority zoonotic diseases.

Speaking in Arusha early mid-week, National Antimicrobial Resistance Coordinator at the Ministry of Health, Emiliana Francis said: “Many countries have expressed interest to emulate Tanzania’s campaign as the best practice in addressing antimicrobial resistance through an artistic, yet scientific style of impacting knowledge to ordinary people.”

Earlier, Dr Mpoki Ulisubisya, who is an expert medical expert said that with lack of stringent regulations on marketing of antibiotics, many people have been misusing drugs to self-medicate.

“We are heading in the same direction as Chloroquine -a drug which used to be very effective in curing malaria but is no longer in use due to its misuse that later resulted in resistance,” he said.

He said most people use antibiotics to treat viral infections without consulting medical experts while others only use partial dosage and as a result bacteria develop resistance to the drugs.

The campaign highlights the need for actions to prevent antimicrobial resistance and the spread of priority zoonotic diseases across multiple sectors to increase public knowledge and evoke a sense of concern towards the issues.

It is coordinated by the Office of the Prime Minister in collaboration with Ministries of Health, Livestock and Fisheries, and the Vice President’s Office (Environment) and is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Breakthrough ACTION project.

The campaign was unveiled to health experts and officials from the East, Central and Southern African who met in Arusha at the 14th Best Practices Forum and the 30th Directors Joint Consultative Committee (DJCC) meeting.

The health officials applauded the campaign and its efforts in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.