Introduce courses that appeal to fresh school leavers, IAE urged

By James Kandoya , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jun 27 2024
Prof James Mdoe, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Photo: File
Prof James Mdoe, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

THE government wants the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) to come up with a strategy to introduce programmes that attract applicants who are fresh from school.

Prof James Mdoe, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, made the call in Dar es Salaam yesterday when speaking at the 62nd graduation ceremony conferring certificates, diplomas and degrees to 482 graduates.

He also challenged the institute to establish master’s degree programmes to increase specialisation of experts in the education sector.

Prof Mdoe said that the strategy will increase the number of students enrolled annually by the institute.

“I commend the institute for the work done so far to implement the ministry’s directives to ensure the quality of education,” he said.

He further challenged the institute to work out an alternative source of income to enable it to implement its duties.

Prof Mdoe also urged the graduates to work diligently, professionally and shun corruption.

Dr Naomi Katunzi, IAE Governing Council Chairperson, said that the board will ensure the institute provides skills training to produce enough experts.

She said that the new education policy among others insists on skills training to enable those completing basic education to use their skills in developmental issues.

The chair expressed the board's commitment to collaborating with the institute’s administration to find new alternative sources of finance.

Dr Katunzi advised the new graduates to observe discipline when performing their duties.

“We hope and depend on you to be good ambassadors of the institute now that you have completed your studies,” she said.

Rector of IAE Prof Michael Ng'umbi said that the graduates were from Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Mwanza campuses.

He said in this year's graduation, 154 graduates equivalent to 32 percent were male while 328 graduates equivalent to 68 percent were female.

Prof Ng'umbi said that the institute's plans to open new campuses in Ruvuma and Kilimanjaro regions, making a total of five campuses.

“We plan to establish evening courses and specific programmes aimed at equipping students with skills to cope with global changes in technology,” he said.