Empowering women leaders on digital security and data protection

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 12:47 PM Sep 04 2024
Rose Ngunangwa, TAMCODE Executive Director
Photo: Guardian Reporter
Rose Ngunangwa, TAMCODE Executive Director

IN a bid to enhance digital literacy and security awareness among women leaders, the Digital Rights Academy, spearheaded by Tanzania Media for Community Development (TAMCODE), will host a capacity-building session to equip women with necessary knowledge on the importance of digital security and data protection.

To be held on September 4, 2024 in Dodoma Region, the capacity building training will be conducted by TAMCODE in collaboration with Youth Environmental Justice and Gender Equality (YOGE) with Support from Paradigm Initiative (PIN).

The event will bring together 37 participants, including women councillors and young female politicians from Tabora, Singida, and Dodoma regions.

“We aim to equip women leaders and young politicians with essential skills in data protection and digital security. As the digital landscape grows increasingly complex, the need for such skills becomes critical for those in leadership roles, especially in the political sphere,” Rose Ngunangwa, TAMCODE Executive Director told the Guardian yesterday.

By the end of the session, participants are expected to have a firmer understanding of ICT, safe internet use, and strategies for leveraging media and technology to promote their leadership ambitions, she added, noting after the training women will have a broader understanding of the basics of information and communication technology, and how to navigate the internet safely to protect personal and organizational data.

Early this year, a similar session was held in Morogoro, attracting 43 participants, including women councillors and young politicians from Morogoro, Dar es Salaam, and Coastal regions. This initial session received financial backing from Article 19, while the forthcoming Dodoma event is supported by Paradigm Initiative.

The continuity and expansion of these sessions highlight the growing recognition of the need for digital literacy among female leaders in Tanzania.