Graduation ceremonies create opportunities for leaners to showcase their talents, abilities

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 11:37 AM Aug 08 2024
Photo: File

GRADUATION day is a special occasion in schools, marking the completion of a period of study. Success is often measured by reaching this milestone and the graduation ceremony celebrates this achievement.

Learners embark on their educational journey with the goal of reaching this endpoint to gain new experiences. For some, it means advancing to higher levels of education, while for others; it signifies entering the job market.

The society has instilled the significance of graduation ceremonies, seeing it as a success with the completion of studies. This perception adds value to the event, making the planning and execution of the ceremony a complex and significant task. Schools may spend weeks or even months preparing for the ceremony to only make it retains its importance.

Graduation ceremonies offer numerous opportunities for learners. It is a time to showcase their achievements to a broader community. The value of education must impact the society, and graduation is a key moment to demonstrate this. 

This is why graduation ceremonies attract not only invited guests but also other individuals, drawn by the promise of entertainment and celebration.

A school, as a social institution, cannot isolate itself from the community. Graduation ceremonies provide a unique opportunity for people to experience school life, motivating them to support education. Even those without direct ties to the school find reasons to attend graduation ceremonies, drawn by the festivities. 

Without these ceremonies, schools would deprive the community of entertainment and motivation, both of which are crucial for fostering a supportive environment for education.

People who surround the school are expected to be its ambassadors. For this to be effective, they need to know what takes place within the school. The graduation ceremony plays a crucial role in revealing the school's treasures. 

This makes the graduation ceremony a special event. Learners come from different places and their union at school forms a unique society. People are interested in seeing what learners achieve. By observing the abilities and talents of learners, community members can predict future trends.

The graduation ceremony, held once a year, is of great importance to both the school and surrounding community for several reasons:

Promotion of the school: The saying ‘to see is to believe’ is true. When individuals witness what takes place at a school, they are more likely to be convinced of its value if what they see meets their expectations. People are not interested in mere words but in actions.

When learners demonstrate their knowledge and skills to an audience, it serves as proof of the school's quality. Graduation ceremonies are the best advertisement opportunities for the school. People need to see the quality of the education provided by the school or any other learning institution.

Talent Development: A graduation ceremony provides a platform for learners to showcase talents that are not recognized by the syllabus. Some learners may not excel in traditional assessments, but they possess unique talents that deserve recognition. 

Recognition is a fundamental human need. When individuals are not recognized for a long time, they lose interest in their activities. Therefore, a graduation ceremony offers an opportunity to renew the interests of some learners. When learners are excited, the school becomes a better place. Many individuals have excelled in life not due to academic excellence but due to their talents.

Graduation ceremony is a pivotal event that promotes the school and fosters talent development, benefiting both the institution and surrounding communities.

Relaxation: The graduation ceremony provides an opportunity for learners to relax. This relaxation starts from the preparation phase and continues up to the day of graduation. The stress of continuous learning can cause nervous tension. Activities associated with the graduation ceremony allow learners to unwind and gain new energy to continue pursuing their academic objectives. 

The human mind cannot work continuously without rest; it needs downtime to stay strong. This reality highlights the importance of schools recognizing the value of graduation ceremonies.

A school is a social organization that must stimulate social development in various aspects of life. Not all learners will succeed academically; some will excel in sports and arts. Schools must make efforts to provide a platform for learners to showcase their talents and abilities outside the academic arena. 

Success is often achieved when individuals can utilize many of their abilities. Graduation ceremonies are among the platforms that enable learners to demonstrate their capabilities. Unlike other school competitions held within the school's boundaries, graduation exposes learners to a wider audience, creating opportunities for them to excel in life due to broader exposure. Teaching is about enabling learners to showcase their talents and abilities.