Bank supports govt’s initiatives in the tourism sector

By Francis Kajubi , The Guardian
Published at 11:45 AM Aug 05 2024

Albert Chalamila, Dar es Salaam regional commissioner addresses teachers yesterday in Dar es Salaam shortly before they had departed for Mikumi national park trip.
Photo: Courtesy of DCB.
Albert Chalamila, Dar es Salaam regional commissioner addresses teachers yesterday in Dar es Salaam shortly before they had departed for Mikumi national park trip.

In a bid to support the government’s strategies in boosting the tourism sector by capitalizing on the development of sustainable infrastructure the DCB Commercial Bank has sponsored a trip for over 1,000 teachers through the SGR train from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro with extension to Mikumi National Park.

The trip aims at promoting domestic tourism and helps the teachers learn different relevant issues that will improve experience in their ways of teaching in schools.

 Speaking shortly before the commencement of the trip at the SGR station in Dar es Salaam yesterday, DCB's Chief Executive Officer, Sabasaba Moshingi, said that the bank had collaborated with the office of the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner to provide these teachers with the opportunity to visit Mikumi National Park.

He said the learnt experience will help them teach their students about the tourism attractions they witnessed.

“DCB is owned by the Dar es Salaam City Council, where these teachers are coming from. I advised them to use our bank's improved services, such as savings accounts, various insurance options, and loans with favorable terms, to improve their lives and avoid falling into the hands of institutions offering loans on unfavorable conditions,” he said.

 The bank's Business Director, Ramadhan Mganga, stated that DCB is the true lifeline for the lives of Tanzanians as it provides various services and products that meet the banking needs for all. He encouraged the teachers and all Tanzanians to take advantage of the services.

 Additionally, he said that to facilitate the trip, the bank hired 30 buses that will transport the teachers from Morogoro to Mikumi, as part of appreciating the teachers' contributions to the bank's development.

Speaking earlier at the event, Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Albert Chalamila commended DCB for organizing the teachers' trip. He stated that his office would continue to organize trips for other groups as part of a long-term strategy to promote the SGR train.

"The tour will not only enhance the teachers' knowledge through the Mikumi visit but also boost the ongoing Royal Tour campaign," he said.

The commercial bank was established in 2002 in response to the call of the third phase President, the late William Benjamin Mkapa, following the capital cries of low and middle-income residents of Dar es Salaam who were unable to obtain loans from many commercial banks due to the strict criteria set by those banks.