‘Normal flow of development project funds returning’

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 09:24 AM Sep 16 2024
Finance minister Dr Mwigulu Nchemba pictured in Mwanza city yesterday inspecting computers lined up for use by students of the Mwanza campus of the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy. He is on a tour of Mwanza Region.
Photo: Vitus Audax
Finance minister Dr Mwigulu Nchemba pictured in Mwanza city yesterday inspecting computers lined up for use by students of the Mwanza campus of the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy. He is on a tour of Mwanza Region.

NORMAL flow of development project funds is expected soon following delays in implementing a number of development projects arising from a slowdown in the disbursement of funds, the Treasury has declared

Dr. Mwigulu Nchemba, the Finance minister, remarked on the matter as he started a seven-day tour of Mwanza Region, noting that disruptions were linked to disasters that disrupted the entire flow of the 2023/24 budget plan.

He was responding to Johari Samizi, the Misungwi district commissioner, who queried delays in water projects and the district’s community development college.

Various disasters including floods caused by El Niño rains and landslides in at least four districts, disrupted the flow of funds allocated during the 2023/24 fiscal plan, he said.

The government had to prioritize areas hit by floods or landslides, to rebuild roads, bridges and social facilities, even assisting to rebuilding homes, in expenditure that wasn’t planned for, he said.

Liaison was being made with the Water ministry ahead of funds being disbursed to complete the stalled projects, he said, pointing at strategic projects like the standard gauge railway (SGR), the Mwalimu Nyerere Hydropower Project which is over 98 per cent complete, and the long J.P. Magufuli Bridge at Kigongo-Busisi, as having been prioritized for funding.

Power rationing was now becoming history, electric train services have already started, he said, affirming that the massive investment made in these areas are yielding fruits, “and the bridge will soon be completed.”

Prioritizing these projects demanded the reallocation of funds from other projects to these key areas but soon the normal flow of funding will be in place again, he said.

The minister inspected the construction of the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) Lake Zone campus, being built at the cost of over 7.8bn/- since early 2022.

Prof William Pallangyo, the TIA executive director, said the campus project is in the main complete, and soon enabling the institute to stop renting facilities, as the campus is set for inaugurated on October 12.

It will have the capacity to serve over 24,300 students at once, he said, while the minister expressed his satisfaction with the quality of the work done as the infrastructure meets the necessary standards. It also accommodates needs of students living with disabilities, he pointed out.

Addressing local residents later, the minister focuses on addressed water supply drawbacks. The Treasury will be working to quicken the flow of funds for water projects, he added.