Dodoma to host NaneNane for three consecutive years

By Polycarp Machira , The Guardian
Published at 06:40 AM Jun 24 2024
Photo: Agencies

DODOMA is schedule to host the national farmers, livestock keepers, and fishermen’s exhibition (NaneNane) for three consecutive years, starting this year, it has been announced.

Dodoma District Commissioner Jabir Shekimweri made the remarks here yesterday, saying preparations to host the annual event for that period are at high levels.

Speaking on behalf of Regional Commissioner Rosemary Senyamule at the Chinangali Park during Public Service Week, he thanked the government for the decision, terming it a great honour to residents.

In June this year, the Ministry of Agriculture announced that Dodoma would host the 2024 event, emphasizing the importance of the event in promoting agricultural development and fostering regional cooperation.

Speaking to journalists in Dodoma, Minister for Agriculture Hussein Bashe  said that this year’s exhibition will maintain its international status, with several neighbouring countries having already confirmed their participation.

Various companies involved in the purchase and sale of agricultural products will participate in the seven designated zones.

They are the Southern Highlands in Mbeya at John Mwakangale grounds, the Eastern Zone in Morogoro at Julius Kambarage Nyerere grounds, the Southern Zone in Lindi at Ngongo grounds, the Lake Western Zone in Mwanza at Nyamhongolo grounds, the Lake Eastern Zone in Simiyu at Nyakabindi grounds, the Northern Zone in Arusha at Themi grounds, and the Western Zone in Tabora at Fatma Mwasa grounds.

Moreover, the government has commenced the construction of a modern exhibition ground in Dodoma. The first phase of the project will cost 7.5bn/-.

This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to providing high-quality facilities for the NaneNane exhibition, ensuring it meets international standards.

Minister Bashe also said that the tender process for the construction of the John Mwakangale grounds in Mbeya has already been announced.

The construction work will include the development of internal roads, erection of a perimeter wall, creation of special exhibition areas, conference halls, water systems, and demonstration farms that will be used throughout the year.

The opening ceremony on August 1 is expected to be graced by Vice President Dr Philip Mpango. The climax of the event on August 8, 2024 is scheduled to be officiated by President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

The NaneNane exhibition provides a unique platform for farmers, livestock keepers and fishermen to learn about the latest technologies and practices, exchange ideas and network with stakeholders from across the region.