Airport contractors urged to erect fence to check theft of equipment

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Sep 26 2024
Dodoma District Commissioner Jabir Shekimweri
Photo: Guardian Correspondent
Dodoma District Commissioner Jabir Shekimweri

CONTRACTORS involved in the construction of Msalato International Airport in the capital Dodoma have been urged to expedite building of a perimeter wall around the site to prevent theft of equipment by dishonest workers.

Dodoma District Commissioner Jabir Shekimweri made the call yesterday during his visit to the construction site, where he addressed contractors and workers, highlighting concerns about equipment theft by individuals lacking integrity and patriotism

Shekimweri emphasized that such thefts could delay the project which has already gobbled up significant amount of money and hinder its completion as agreed between the government and the contractors.

He urged contractors, namely M/s Sinoliydro Corporation, Beijing Sino-Aero Construction Engineering Co and China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation to prioritize the fence construction to mitigate the challenge.

In addition, he called on security firm Suma JKT, the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) and local residents to cooperate with the companies to enhance security of equipment.

The DC noted that building the fence would help safeguard against theft, prevent livestock from grazing in the area and stop illegal tree cutting and charcoal production.

"I urge that anyone found guilty of stealing equipment face strict legal action, including prosecution and dismissal from their position, regardless of their technical skills," he stated.

Zuhura Omary, Manager of TANROADS in Dodoma Region, reported ongoing challenges with some workers stealing construction materials and machines.

She said that equipment theft alongside issues of livestock grazing and tree cutting by local residents threaten the project's completion as agreed with the government.

Omary emphasized the importance of urgent erection of the fence and Suma JKT stepping up security efforts to address the challenges.