‘60pc of patients at MOI are motorcycle-related accidents’

By Joseph Mwendapole , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jul 04 2024
Motorcycle Accident
Photo: Agencies
Motorcycle Accident

THE Muhimbili Orthopaedics Institute (MOI) receives an average of 700 accident victims per month and 60 percent of them being motorcycle-related accidents.

Dr Lemeri Mchome, MOI acting executive director unveiled this yesterday when receiving a donation from the Dar es Salaam-based Watu Credit Company. The donation is meant for the victims of ‘bodaboda’ accidents.

“We must invest in preventing ‘bodaboda’ accidents and it is important to educate people about traffic rules and regulations,” he said.

He also urged motorcycle riders to remain vigilant in preventing road deaths and serious injuries in order to meet United Nations (UN) targets of reducing road traffic deaths by at least 50 percent by 2030.

Dr Mchome lauded the company for supporting the institute with blood, which is highly needed for the victims.

Jumaa Almasi, MOI Social Welfare and Nutrition Manager said that some patients are brought to the institution, but they do not have money for treatment.

He said the company has provided support for two wheelchairs and has promised to pay for the treatment of 15 patients.

Seuri Kuoko, Watu Credit’s assistant general manager, said that the aid is part of a corporate social responsibility programme to give back to society adding that it will help restore accident victims to their normal conditions.

“This aid aims to benefit 15 victims who were admitted at MOI for treatment, 13 injured have been paid half of the surgery costs, but there is also one patient we have given him a wheelchair,” he said.

Data shows Tanzania loses over 16, 000 people annually on traffic related injuries and boda boda accidents account for the majority of road traffic injuries.

As a result, it is important to provide regular education and awareness to motorists on their role and responsibility in preventing traffic accidents.