Ulega urges NARCO to give more land for meat company

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 05:32 AM Aug 27 2024
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Abdallah Ulega
Photo: Guardian Reporter
Livestock and Fisheries Minister Abdallah Ulega

LIVESTOCK and Fisheries Minister Abdallah Ulega has directed the National Ranching Company (NARCO) Board to allocate land to the Union Meat Group to receive and fatten livestock.

The move intends to ensure that the factory has a reliable supply of quality livestock for both domestic and international markets.

Minister Ulega issued the directives yesterday during a visit to Union Meat Group in Kibaha District, Coast Region.

“I direct the NARCO board to prepare a contract and complete the land transfer from Ruvu Ranch to Union Meat Group within one month,” he said.

He emphasized the importance of the factory developing a robust strategy to attract farmers and traders to supply livestock. “This will help ensure a steady supply of raw materials for the factory,” he said, adding: “It is crucial to set competitive prices, ensure timely payments to those delivering livestock, and maintain transparency during the weighing process. By doing so, you will attract more farmers and traders, ensuring a consistent and sufficient supply of raw materials.” 

Miriam Ng’wandu, group CEO stated that once operational, the factory will create job opportunities for over 1,000 Tanzanians.

She added that they are ready to start production as soon as the land is secured, as the factory requires a significant number of animals for slaughter.