Tanzanians urged to embrace unity, peace

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 07:41 AM Apr 02 2024

Puma Energy Tanzania director Fatma Abdallah (L) speaks with various stakeholders after iftar the firm hosted in in Dar es Salaam on Sunday.
Photo: Guardian Reporter
Puma Energy Tanzania director Fatma Abdallah (L) speaks with various stakeholders after iftar the firm hosted in in Dar es Salaam on Sunday.

TANZANIANS have been urged to continue praying for President Samia Suluhu Hassan and the nation especially during the holy month of Ramadan to enhance peace and unity.

The remarks were made over the weekend in Dar es Salaam by Chairperson of Puma Energy Tanzania Board of Directors, Dr Selemani Majige when speaking at an iftar event organized by the energy company for its customers as well as religious leaders, government officials and heads of private and public institutions.

“We are in the holy month of Ramadan, it is important that we continue praying for our nation and support the Head of State in her endeavours towards bringing development to Tanzanians ,” said Dr Majige insisting on citizens to maintain peace and unity.

He was concerned that peace is one of the important components that fuels economic growth. He added that when there is peace, businesses would flourish and more investors will opt for Tanzania as their destination.

Dr Majige assured Tanzanians that the company will continue to maintain and ensure quality of its products and services, calling upon customers to continue trusting the firm. He said purchasing Puma products would boost the company’s revenues thus increase the share of dividend to the government.

An increased share of dividend is going to improve social services to the people across the country, he said.

Temeke District Sheikh Zailai Hassan Mkoyogole who represented the Dar es Salaam Sheikh Alhad Walid Omar said it is important for people to use the holy month of Ramadan to repent and change their behaviour.

Ramadan is the time for Muslims and others to do all the good things and pray for our nation as well, he added.

Earlier, Puma Energy Tanzania Managing Director, Fatma Abdallah  thanked the company’s customers and stakeholders for showing up for the iftar event and continuing to use its products.

She said the company will continue supporting the government's efforts in ensuring Tanzanians shift from dirty to clean cooking energy. She said the use of clean energy helps in mitigating climate change, preserving people’s health and the environment.

“We are aware of the President’s initiatives in pushing for use of clean cooking energy, we will provide all the support to make her dream of seeing more Tanzanians using clean cooking energy a reality,” said the firm’s DG, adding that environment conservation is their priority.

Waziri Kindamba, director general for UDA Rapid Transit (UDART), commended Puma for maintaining quality products such as LPG gas, lubricants for vehicles and machines as well as petroleum products.

 Puma is jointly owned by the government and Puma Investments Limited, each with a share ownership of 50 percent. It is a midstream international oil marketing company that engages in large storage and distribution of petroleum products.

 The company is a market leader in the country with market share boasting a storage capacity of 94 million liters, and operates more than 55 petrol stations countrywide and servicing 8 airports.