Residents of Mbeya get free avocado seedlings

By Nebart Msokwa , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jun 27 2024
Photo: File

MORE than 300 residents of Mwansekwa, Itagano and Nsalaga wards in Mbeya city have been given free avocado seedlings to plant in their areas to improve their nutrition and income.

The seedlings were distributed to the residents by Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Tulia Ackson through her charity organisation Tulia Trust.

Speaking when distributing the trees, Information Officer for the trust Ahadi Kalinjila said the speaker who is Mbeya Urban MP, decided to distribute the seedlings as part of efforts to conserve the environment.

He said avocado is among fruits with a stable market both locally and abroad, adding that if residents can take care of seedlings, they can benefit and address various nutritional challenges.

He said the institution distributed 150 seedlings to the people of Mwansekwa Ward, 150 seedlings to residents of Itagano Ward and 50 seedlings to residents of Nsalaga Ward.

“The government has created a friendly environment for selling fruits abroad and even within the country. So, we are sure that apart from taking care of the environment, if taken good care of, the seedlings will be a source of income when they start to bear fruit,” he said.

He said that avocado fruits currently have a good market even within the Mbeya Region, explaining that there are some investors who have started to process the crop and produce various products, including cooking oil.

Some of the residents who benefited from the gesture thanked the politician while promising to take care of it and make sure it grows.

Local leader Elias Mwaweya said that avocado fruit is important for the health of the people, promising to ensure that they manage the trees to the fruit-producing stage.

Itagano Ward Councillor Yuda Mbalamwezi said the ward is one of the areas in Mbeya City where avocado trees flourish.