Make Saturday a cleanliness day, RC instructs Tabora Municipality

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 10:31 AM Jul 27 2024
Tabora Regional Commissioner Paul Chacha
Photo: Guardian Correspondent
Tabora Regional Commissioner Paul Chacha

TABORA Regional Commissioner Paul Chacha expressed shock over the increasing level of dirtiness in Tabora Municipality streets, something which has prompted him to direct a weekly cleanliness drive.

He instructed municipal authorities to ensure proper environmental cleanliness management and take strict action against those who defy the order to conduct mass cleanliness every Saturday.

During a recent Heroes’ Day commemoration, which included a cleanliness exercise at the monument of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Chacha voiced his concerns about the dire state of the streets and the associated health risks.

He said that everyone in the community needs to take immediate action to combat the problem of filth by cleaning their own areas to prevent and eliminate outbreaks of diseases and protect their health.

He urged the community to take immediate action by cleaning their own areas to prevent disease outbreaks and safeguard public health.

“I am deeply concerned by the severe filth in many areas we cleaned. It is luck that we have not yet faced an outbreak. If one were to occur, no one would be spared here,” Chacha stated.

He directed Director Elias Kayandabila to oversee the cleanliness exercise, which will take place every Saturday from 7 am to 10 am. No business will be allowed to open until that time, and those who defy this order will face severe legal consequences.

He instructed Tabora Municipal Executive Director Elias Kayandabila to oversee the weekly cleanliness initiative, which will be held every Saturday from 7am to 10am.

During this time, businesses are to remain closed, and those who do not comply with the cleanliness order will face strict legal action,” he insisted.

In another development, Chacha addressed the recent brutal murder of a businesswoman popular as Mama Mviombo from Cheyo and that of Ilolangulu, emphasizing the government’s commitment to apprehending those responsible.

“Whoever is involved in those murders should know there is no place to hide. We will find them, and those causing disturbances must either change their behaviour or leave the region. I do not tolerate failures or excuses, and the consequences will be severe,” RC Chacha warned.

Ramadhan Kapela, Tabora Municipal Council Mayor pledged to enforce the new cleanliness measures and take strong action against those who will neglect them.

Kapela noted that despite existing laws, the community has been complacent and needs stronger enforcement.

“From now on, we will implement strict measures and impose fines starting from 50,000/- and above for offenders, as well as taking them to court,” Kapela stated.