EU-FAO project wins praise for enhancing farming yields

By Getrude Mbago , The Guardian
Published at 04:00 AM Jul 30 2024
Photo: File

THE government has hailed the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) for its initiatives which greatly help restore nature, improve crop production, and heighten food security.

Permanent Secretary-Ministry of Agriculture, Gerald Mweli made the appreciation in Morogoro yesterday during the closing ceremony of the Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries - Phase III (ACP MEAs 3) project funded by the European Union (EU).

“This event marks the successful conclusion of three years of collaborative effort aimed at enhancing agricultural practices and environmental sustainability in the country. We really acknowledge the significant contributions of FAO and other partners who played a vital role in the success of this project,” he said.

Mweli noted that over the past three years, the ACP MEAs 3 has helped several farmers transition to more resilient and productive agri-food systems by offering training and capacity building in ecosystem-based practices that promote the sustainable management of resources, stimulating environment protection, improving food security and reduce poverty at the community level.

He added: “This project has been a beacon of progress and innovation in our agricultural sector. The achievements we celebrate today are a testament to what we can accomplish when we work together towards common goals. Let us continue to build on this foundation, ensuring that our agricultural practices are sustainable, productive, and inclusive.”

He also mentioned the support from the development partner, the European Union, which has played a significant role in funding the project.

Tipo Nyabenyi, FAO country representative, applauded the government for its commitment to transforming agriculture by creating an enabling environment for farmers to thrive.

She also acknowledged the support from the Ministry of Agriculture, President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government Tanzania (PO-RALG), and the Office of Vice President which made it possible to implement the project and achieve the remarkable outcomes we are witnessing today.

She said that the implementation of the ACP MEAs 3 project, aimed at promoting environmental sustainability in the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries, specifically Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Saint Lucia, and Solomon Islands.

“As we reflect on these accomplishments, it is important to recognize the ongoing commitment needed to sustain and build upon these successes. The partnerships we have developed with local communities, government institutions, and non-governmental organizations remain key to ensuring the sustainability of these initiatives,” Dr Tipo said.

She said since its launch in 2021, the ACP MEAs 3 project has made remarkable strides in promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation reaching a total of 1,269 direct beneficiaries through established 23 farmer field schools and 4,148 indirect beneficiaries.

“It has supported 300 beekeepers with modern beehives and other improved beekeeping materials valued at $35,000. (95m/) as well as providing 360 farmers with gender-responsive farm tools (jab planters) valued at $20,400 (55m/).”

She noted: “This closing ceremony not only celebrated the accomplishments of the ACP MEAs 3 project but also underscored the importance of continued collaboration and innovation in achieving sustainable agricultural development and environmental conservation in Tanzania.”

The project has also Regenerated five hectares of degraded mangrove forestry as well as identified 24 highly hazardous pesticides for deregistration, supporting the review process of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) by generating data through wetland assessments.

It has conducted soil fertility assessments to aid farmers in making informed decisions on fertilizer application and crop choice and developed resource materials for integrated soil fertility management and integrated pest management to enhance the delivery of quality extension services among many other interventions.

The event was also attended by district executive directors from implementing districts of Kigamboni in Dar es Salaam, Kilosa (Morogoro), Kilolo (Iringa), Mbarali (Mbeya), Karatu (Arusha) and Same (Kilimanjaro) along with regional agricultural advisors and key project technical team members from various ministries and organizations.