Dar residents express concern over garbage arbitrarily dumped on streets

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jul 26 2024
Photo: File

RESIDENTS at Nzasa Street in Kijitonyama Ward, Kinondoni Municipality in Dar es Salaam have raised concerns about the accumulation of garbage in their areas, something which poses significant health risks for the community.

According to some residents, this issue has persisted for a long time without prompt action from the relevant authorities.

In separate interviews with this reporter, the residents urged local authorities to work on the matter and supervise waste management on the street.

Restituta Mutagurwa, one of the residents, said the lack of timely garbage collection vehicles is a major cause of the challenge.

“Garbage is piling up everywhere, we can no longer tolerate the bad smell and health risks associated with this filth.”

Health experts’ reports indicate that excessive waste can lead to outbreaks of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid. This is because decomposing garbage attracts pests such as flies and rats, which are carriers of disease-causing pathogens.

Jamaal Habib, another resident, expressed hope that urgent measures will be taken to prevent further health impacts.

“We urge the authorities to act quickly and ensure that garbage is collected on time. Our health is more important than anything else,” Habib said.

In response, Nzasa Street Chairman Edwin Mfanga acknowledged the challenge promising to work on it immediately.

According to him, the challenge of garbage transportation has become difficult due to the breakdown of some garbage collection trucks.

“We are making efforts to acquire new trucks and repair the broken ones to improve the cleanliness service,” Massawe said.

He, however, appealed to the residents to continue cooperating with cleanliness authorities by making their home surroundings clean while adhering to waste management procedures.