ACT urges Z’bar govt to respect agreed terms, conditions in GNU

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 04:00 AM Jul 30 2024
ACT Wazalendo chairman (Zanzibar) Othman Masoud Othman
Photo: File
ACT Wazalendo chairman (Zanzibar) Othman Masoud Othman

ACT Wazalendo chairman (Zanzibar) Othman Masoud Othman has suggested the need for the government honour terms and conditions of reconciliation agreement reached between the late Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad and Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi.

Othman who is the Zanzibar First Vice President made the call here over the weekend when addressing a public rally at Kipangani grounds in Ole Constituency, South Pemba Region.

He stated that the conditions hold significant importance in building the foundations for peace and national unity amongst Zanzibaris as the country heads towards the 2025 general elections.

He noted that during the campaign launch for the CCM candidate in 2000, where former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi was the guest of honour, advised President Amani Karume that the Zanzibaris needed their hearts to be united because they had long been politically divided.

According to him, three core issues that were agreed upon before they joined remain unaddressed.

Other issues include compensation for victims of the 2020 general election, establishment of a Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate human rights violations during the 2020 elections, and reforms to Zanzibar's electoral system. It also includes allocation of administrative positions, which involves the distribution of administrative posts among regional and district leaders. Election laws’ review will also remove early voting system, which remains a thorn in the Zanzibar electoral process.

In their assessment, nothing has been done to remedy the ills that befell the Isles during the 2020 general elections, and with time running out, they don’t see any reason of their continued stay in government, despite being constitutional requirement.

He also stated that former President Amani Abeid Karume showed great statesmanship by accepting the advice of elder Ali Hassan Mwinyi, and Zanzibar had the opportunity to settle down after the formation GNU," said Othman.

He however expressed disappointment that there are now leaders who belittle the reconciliation terms agreed upon by the late Seif Sharif Hamad after the 2020 elections, despite the numerous political scars left by the violence that resulted in deaths and injuries.

Othman mentioned that former President Dr Amani Karume would be remembered for many things, including the establishment of the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, and the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), which helped to lay the foundations for good governance and accountability among public servants.

On the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, he lamented that the Joint Financial Commission (JFC) report has not been implemented since it was handed over in 2006, and the commission that was coordinating the matter has expired without a new commission being established.

"We advised on fundamental issues in the report concerning revenues from Union sources, but up to now, the report has stalled, and Zanzibar continues to receive a 4.5 percent share, which is outdate," said the Chairman.

Party Vice Chairman, Ismail Jussa Ladhu, stated that the late Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad would continue to be remembered for using his political strength to build CUF and later ACT Wazalendo, successfully providing strong opposition to the ruling party.

He noted that Zanzibar is going through a challenging political period but urged supporters and members of the party to remain steadfast, and defend the principles of democracy and good governance to achieve the goals set by Maalim Seif Sharif Hamad.

Party’s central committee member, Mansour Yussuf Himid, revealed the reason for joining CUF in 2014 after discovering that CCM leaders were not genuine in defending Zanzibar's interests within the Union.