In the struggle to be respected, one need to embrace actions that leave impacts on lives

By Thomas Lyimo , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Jul 26 2024
Possession contributes to an individual's respect in the following ways:
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Possession contributes to an individual's respect in the following ways:

EVERY rational human being must be impressed with respect. We are urged to respect one another as it is a fundamental characteristic of humanity. Emphasis on respect can significantly impact achieving something regarded as important. However, human beings sometimes need motivation before they can act; they prefer to justify their actions.

The ability to compare, contrast, and analyze allows humans to reason, making it difficult for them to simply follow orders without conviction. They need to be persuaded, as they have established certain standards that must be met before they approve of something. Comparing situations or performance enables individuals to discern the quality of actions.

Respect, as a value, requires other forms of values for substitution. The notion that we need to give to receive is crucial when one longs for respect. Actions are believed to speak louder than words, making it less effective to demand respect through mere words. Some people hold the view that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

Our understanding of certain matters dictates our actions. If we want to easily embrace respect, we need to value actions that leave positive impacts on people's lives. Instead of forcing people to do things that please us, we should convince them through our actions and achievements. Conviction fosters peace and harmony, as people act willingly when they are persuaded

With the above reasoning, it can be established that respect is not something to be demanded by force; it must come naturally to be meaningful. Forcing something without success leads to frustration. If people around you recognize that you are easily frustrated, they may treat you as a weak individual. Therefore, it is not beneficial to entertain frustrations. We need to be smart in our quest to retain what we desire in our lives. With knowledge and possession, it may be easier for us to be respected.

Knowledge, as a pillar of respect, has significant impacts on both the individual and society at large.

One impact of knowledge is the creation of employment. This can involve being employed by someone else or through self-employment. People are hired to work for organizations or businesses because of their knowledge and the value they can create. This demonstrates that life is a business of exchanging values. Employment brings respect to an individual within society, as people are often curious about what others do for a living.

Another impact of knowledge is creativity and innovation. Knowledge stimulates creativity and innovation, which fuel economic and social development. The world needs new ideas and creations to solve the problems that arise every day. Knowledge enables an individual to be a problem solver, increasing their social significance and earning them respect.

Additionally, selling knowledge is a way for an individual to benefit from it. Knowledge is a valuable commodity that can be exchanged for money. With money, individuals can purchase items that are beneficial to them. People often measure success or development by an individual’s ability to meet their basic needs and other demands. While people may not always value knowledge itself, they do value the results of possessing it.

On the other hand, possession contributes to an individual's respect in the following ways:

Conducting trade: Surplus production enables trade, a formal economic activity that generates income. Society values individuals engaged in formal activities, which is why people often ask what someone does for a living. Having a permanent activity demonstrates seriousness and commitment in life, making an individual worthy of respect.

Helping others: People are keen to know how someone has assisted others facing challenges. Possession allows individuals to help those in need, earning them respect. Without resources, it is difficult to provide assistance. Therefore, seeking possession is a wise decision to enable helping others. It is important, however, to acquire possessions in a manner that is acceptable to society.

Contributing to socio-economic projects: To be respected, an individual needs to contribute to the socio-economic development of society in one way or another. It is believed that an individual's life should positively impact others for their presence to be considered important. We are advised to give back to the community.

In all life endeavors, nothing comes easy. It requires tireless efforts to excel in what we do. Gaining influence demands a readiness to work hard. Therefore, society should be prepared to invest in various sectors to develop new knowledge. This new knowledge can lead to improvements in production processes, resulting in greater gains and, ultimately, respect. Knowledge and possession are interrelated aspects of human life. We cannot have output without input. Respect is costly.

The author is a teacher based in Moshi. He can be reached at [email protected]