Tanga councils directed to respond to CAG queries

By Cheji Bakari , The Guardian
Published at 06:29 AM Jun 17 2024
Tanga RC Batilda Buriani (L) with Mkinga District Council Chairman Mohamed Bakari before a special councilors' meeting to discuss the 2022/2023 CAG report.
Photo: Cheji Bakari
Tanga RC Batilda Buriani (L) with Mkinga District Council Chairman Mohamed Bakari before a special councilors' meeting to discuss the 2022/2023 CAG report.

TANGA regional commissioner (RC) Dr Batilda Buriani has directed all 11 councils in Tanga region to respond to the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) queries raised on his repost for the financial year ended in June, 2023.

She also insisted that before submitting such reports to the responsible authorities, the responses must be reviewed by the councils’ external and internal auditors. 

RC Dr Buriani issued the directives in Mkinga district council, when she was attending the special councilor’s meeting summoned to discuss the CAG queries on their audited financial reports for 2022/2023.

She said there are some recommendations are within district council's mandate, but others need permits. 

" There are some recommendations are out of your mandate, can you please start processing of asking permit before June 30 before in order to compile them," she said. 

She said in that district council there are seven CAG audited financial reports recommendations for past years and nine new, both must be responded on their respective areas. 

She further stated that out of 11 councils of Tanga region, only Kilindi district council received doubts sheet, the rest received clean sheets. 

In another development, RC Buriani said as there about 68m/- sent to the district council and allocated to development projects and should be used into targeted areas not otherwise. 

" I would like to direct such amount of money must be channeled to their respective areas of implementation before June 30, and must be proper supervised how will be used for, although there are hearsays that fund was allocated purposely for local government election 2024, that is wrong, do not make conflict between village chairpersons and residents" stressed RC. 

At total of 72 CAG annual financial report recommendations that includes 32 recommendations of 2022/2023 fiscal year have been responded and compiled, whilst 40 recommendations equivalent to 60 percent were not responded.