Beacon of hope rises Tasaf-funded construction of a health facility unfolds, promising a brighter future

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 08:26 AM Jul 26 2024

A three-in-one staff quarter constructed at the Bwawani Health Centre.
Photo: Dickson Ng’hily
A three-in-one staff quarter constructed at the Bwawani Health Centre.

"I can still hear my father’s panicked breaths haunting my mind as we fought to carry him on our shoulders over the rugged roads of Themi ya Simba to Mbuluma ward—a grueling 10-kilometer journey. Each second stretched into an eternity, and despite our desperate rush to reach the hospital, we arrived too late."

Margaret Jonas’s poignant words capture the heartbreaking reality for countless families in Themi ya Simba village, nestled in Bwawani Ward, an astonishing 50 kilometers from Arusha town.

This isolated community has long endured the devastating impact of inadequate healthcare infrastructure, but a new dawn is on the horizon. Thanks to the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) grants, part of an OPEC initiative, the village is poised to receive a health facility that holds the promise of transformative change.

Margaret’s father’s tragic story is just one among many that highlight the desperate need for healthcare access in Themi ya Simba. For years, residents have bravely navigated perilous roads, risking their lives to reach the nearest medical facility in Mbuluma Ward.

Aisha Mshangai, a local mother, vividly recounts a harrowing experience when she went into labor at a communal event. 

“I had to give birth on an animal-pulled cart, jolting along the road, while my family desperately rushed me to the clinic,” she reflects, her voice trembling with the memory. “It was both a miracle and a nightmare. Thank God we made it, but too many women aren’t so fortunate.”

These stories are not just isolated incidents; they represent a collective suffering that has lingered for far too long. Themi ya Simba is a vibrant village, rich in culture and inhabited by resilient people, yet its geographical isolation has made it acutely vulnerable to glaring healthcare disparities.

Fred Kasale, the Village Executive, emphasizes that numerous deaths could have been avoided with timely medical intervention. Now, with the new health center on the horizon, an unmistakable sense of hope permeates the community, signaling a much-anticipated transformation.

Shedrack Mziray, TASAF’s Executive Director, argues that their grants, designed to enhance infrastructure in underserved areas, are truly a game changer for Bwawani Ward. 

“The funding has facilitated the construction of four vital structures, a health center that will feature an outpatient department (OPD), a laboratory, and maternity facilities including operating theater (OT), along with a three-in-one staff quarter,” he elaborates, painting a picture of a brighter future for the village.

Mziray explained that since TASAF grants for a village are capped at 100m/-, the four villages that make up Bwawani ward, united to propose a health center project totaling 433m/-.

This substantial investment is part of the OPEC’s $50 million grant extended to Tanzania through TASAF, aimed at financing the ambitious ‘Fourth Tanzania Poverty Reduction Project.’

This initiative is poised to enhance rural infrastructure across the Arusha, Mwanza, Geita, and Simiyu regions in northern Tanzania, ultimately boosting economic opportunities and improving access to essential social services for over 900,000 people.

Milton Nyirenda, a member of the construction committee, passionately asserts that this facility is more than just a building; it’s a lifeline for families like Margaret’s and Aisha’s. “This health center means we no longer have to navigate treacherous paths in the dark to carry our loved ones to safety,” Nyirenda emphasizes. “It will save lives, and that is our top priority.”

The excitement surrounding the health center transcends generations. Children in the village are beginning to grasp its significance. “I want to be a doctor when I grow up,” says 12-year-old Amani Nassari, his eyes sparkling with ambition.

“I want to help my village so that no one has to suffer like my friend’s mother did.” Amani’s dreams capture the growing awareness and hope among the youth, who envision a brighter, healthier future for their community.

As declared by Arusha District Executive Director (DED), Seleman Msumi, the new health facility is set to open its doors on September 1st, 2024. This center will not only provide critical medical services but also serve as a hub for education on preventive healthcare practices, empowering the community from within.

“Bwawani is one of the most remote wards, so having trained healthcare professionals on-site will provide residents with essential services like maternal health care, vaccinations, and health education,” he explained. “Once operational, we can also teach families about nutrition, sanitation, and disease prevention; this will transform lives.”

The DED believes this facility could serve over 20,000 people, especially since it borders other districts, such as Simanjiro. 

“To guarantee that the center achieves its 5-star status and operates at full capacity, we will allocate funds in the upcoming financial year for the construction of three additional essential structures, including a mortuary, administrative offices, and an incinerator. Health centers require a total of seven buildings to provide comprehensive care,” Msumi emphasized.

For him, the project has generated local jobs, significantly revitalizing the village’s economy. While healthcare professionals will be recruited once the facility opens, the initiative has already provided immediate employment and instilled a profound sense of ownership and pride within the community.

“When we contribute to building something ourselves, it feels like we’re part of something bigger,” Grace Dominic echoed the DED’s sentiments.

She added, “This initiative is not just a response to urgent needs; it embodies a commitment to uplift marginalized communities. It’s a testament to the transformative power of targeted investment in infrastructure, demonstrating how a well-executed project can dismantle systemic inequities.”

Grace believes that the health center will eliminate both physical and economic barriers to access, empowering families to seek medical help without the burden of travel costs or the anxiety of losing valuable time.

As the Bwawani Ward eagerly anticipates the opening of its new health facility, it’s crucial to recognize the profound hope this project inspires among its residents.

“I dream of a day when I won’t have to fear for my children’s lives when they fall ill,” Margaret reflects, her eyes shimmering with emotion. “This health center means no one will have to endure what my father experienced. Finally, we’ll have a place to turn to when we need help.”

The spirit of community in Themi ya Simba is vibrant and palpable. Neighbors unite in solidarity, sharing their stories and advocating for enhanced health services. The excitement surrounding the health center has ignited conversations about other vital improvements, such as better roads and access to education.

“This is just the beginning,” Samuel Leizer a resident, asserts with conviction. “With improved healthcare, we can tackle other challenges facing our village. Together, we will rise and thrive.”

The OPEC-funded TASAF grants lay a powerful foundation for transformative change, demonstrating how focused efforts can elevate entire communities. As the health center begins to take shape, it stands as a beacon of renewed commitment to the well-being of the people in Bwawani Ward.

This endeavor transcends the mere construction of walls; it represents the forging of a future where health is paramount and lives are preserved.

Indeed, the facility signifies a pivotal turning point for the villagers. Against a backdrop of loss and hardship, the community is poised for transformation. The collective hope embodied by Margaret, Aisha, Samuel, Grace, and Amani resonates with all who call Bwawani Ward home.

This health center will unlock pathways to better health outcomes, economic opportunities, and a brighter tomorrow. The journey from despair to hope is just beginning, and the road ahead gleams with the promise of accessible, quality healthcare for every individual in this resilient community.