TBL,WWF Tanzania hand over Water System Infrastructure in Kibaha to Boost Water Security

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 07:01 PM Sep 27 2024
TBL,WWF Tanzania hand over Water System Infrastructure in Kibaha to Boost Water Security
Photo: Correspondent
TBL,WWF Tanzania hand over Water System Infrastructure in Kibaha to Boost Water Security

In a significant step toward securing sustainable water access for local communities and the environment, Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) and WWF Tanzania have officially handed over solar-powered water system infrastructure, including a borehole, cattle trough, and domestic water point in Kibaha District.

At the same event, the two partners also launched a pilot of restoration projects under the Bankable Nature Solutions (BNbS) model to promote long-term water security and ecosystem protection.

The handover ceremony, held at Minazimikinda Village in Kibaha District, was officiated by, the Kibaha District Commissioner, Nickson Simon who praised the collaboration between TBL and WWF. He emphasized the importance of partnerships in tackling the country’s water challenges, particularly in fast-urbanizing regions like Pwani and Dar es Salaam.

“Water is a critical resource for the growth of our communities and the economy. This partnership demonstrates the power of collaboration in addressing water scarcity. The efforts of TBL and WWF Tanzania to improve water security, particularly in Dar es Salaam and its neighboring areas, are commendable and a crucial step toward ensuring sustainable access to clean water for all,” said Commissioner Nickson 

The newly installed solar-powered water system will provide clean and reliable water to the surrounding communities, supporting households and livestock in the area. This infrastructure addresses immediate water scarcity concerns and integrates environmentally friendly technology to ensure sustainable usage over time.

The project is part of TBL’s broader commitment to sustainability, aligning with its strategy to make a positive impact on the communities it serves while supporting the conservation of Tanzania’s natural resources. The collaboration with WWF Tanzania under the BNbS model seeks to ensure that natural ecosystems remain intact while addressing pressing water challenges.

Speaking at the event, the Managing Director of TBL, emphasized the significance of the project: "At TBL, sustainability is at the heart of our operations. This solar-powered water system, and the launch of the Bankable Nature-based Solutions pilot, represent a critical step toward ensuring that both people and the planet benefit from our efforts. By working closely with WWF Tanzania, we are securing water access for this community and protecting vital ecosystems that are essential for our future."


The Bankable Nature Solutions (BNbS) approach leverages natural resources sustainably, turning environmental conservation efforts into financially viable projects that deliver benefits to both the economy and the community. Through this initiative, TBL and WWF Tanzania aim to create a replicable model that can be adopted across the country to address water scarcity and boost environmental conservation.

WWF Tanzania’s Country Director, Dr. Amani Ngusaru, underscored the importance of protecting water sources. “The protection of essential water sources is key to sustaining both human life and ecological balance. Through innovative approaches like Bankable Nature Solutions, we can create long-term solutions for both people and the environment, he shared similar sentiments:

"Our partnership with TBL demonstrates how businesses and conservation organizations can work together to achieve real, lasting impact. With the pilot of the BNbS model here in Kibaha, we are setting the stage for long-term, sustainable solutions that protect our natural resources while ensuring that communities have access to essential services like water." Said Dr. Ngusaru

The event was attended by local leaders, community members, and key stakeholders who lauded the initiative for its foresight and long-term benefits to the community. The solar-powered borehole, cattle trough, and domestic water point are expected to directly benefit hundreds of households and their livestock

The partnership between WWF Tanzania and WWF Tanzania not only addresses water shortages but also enhances the protection of watersheds, vital for preserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services for future generations.