Expectant mothers, under-fives get free health services–official

By Guardian Correspondent , The Guardian
Published at 06:00 AM Sep 27 2024
Expectant mother
Photo: File
Expectant mother

AUTHORITIES in Makambako Town Council in Njombe Region have assured residents that all public health facilities in the area provide free health services to pregnant women and children under the age of five.

Joseph Endrew, acting medical officer for Makambako Town Council, made the assurance yesterday during a public meeting convened by Makambako MP, Deo Sanga.

During the meeting, residents sought clarification on the government’s policy regarding medical costs exemptions for pregnant women and children under five.

“As stipulated in government guidelines, once a pregnant woman visits a health facility and is registered, she receives a clinic card. From that point on, all services related to her pregnancy—including delivery and child care for children up to the age of five—are offered at no cost,” he said.

He emphasized the importance of residents retaining receipts for any services they receive, which can aid in identifying any violations of the policy.

“We must track the instances to ensure that our policies are being implemented to the letter,” he added.

In addition to addressing the concerns about health services, Endrew announced that for this 2024/2025 fiscal year, the council allocated 763m/- for significant improvements at Mlowa Town Hospital.

The funding will be directed towards completing construction of a new general surgery building, a mortuary and additional patient wards as well as acquiring essential medical equipment for dispensaries.

Residents had previously raised complaints about being charged for medication, despite the government’s promise that services would be free for the two groups.

Endrew’s clarifications sought to restore confidence in the healthcare system and ensure that all eligible residents can access the services they need without financial barriers.